Philipp Prüße

3 min read

Fully automatic density determination for ceramic injection moulding (CIM)

Ceramic injection moulding (CIM) and density measurement of injection-moulded components Ceramic injection moulding is an extremely versatile manufacturing method that is used in various industries. Alongside MIM, it is a widespread process in metal...

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4 min read

How we help customers save energy with our system

Saving energy and avoiding energy waste In view of rising energy prices, many companies are being urged to save energy costs, reduce their gas...

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4 min read

Fully automated density measurement in Metal Injection Moulding - MIM

The production of high-quality components is of crucial importance in many industries, whether in the automotive industry, medical technology or...

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Pay-per-Use Dichtewaage

4 min read

New pay-per-use financing model at Dimensionics Density

The manufacturing industry is facing new challenges: Economic fluctuations, sustainability issues, scarce raw materials, rising energy prices and...

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Technische Keramik Isolatoren

2 min read

Technical ceramics in focus: Introduction to a fascinating material

What awaits you here: What is technical ceramic? Properties and advantages of technical ceramics Areas of application for technical ceramics...

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3 min read

Metal powder injection moulding - revolution in metal component production

Metal injection moulding (METAL INJECTION MOLDING - MIM) is a pioneering technology for the cost-effective production of high-quality metal...

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4 min read

The Archimedes' principle in manufacturing

What awaits you here: Introduction: Archimedes' principle and its significance in manufacturing What is Archimedes' principle? The traditional method...

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